Portfolio Management
We offer portfolio management to individual investors, tailored to each client’s situation and investment goals. Portfolios are adjusted based on your personal needs as well as our forward-looking views of the market.
Active Portfolio Management
Capital One Consulting offers separate account portfolio management to individual investors, tailored to each client’s situation and investment goals. Portfolios are adjusted based on your personal needs as well as our forward-looking views of the market. All investment strategies are directed by our five-member Investment Policy Committee with over 130 years of combined industry experience and supported by the firm’s in-house global research platform. Each client receives a dedicated Investment Counselor who knows you by name and is your primary point of contact. Clients also have access to a wide array of exclusive client programs, research and educational materials.
Investment Management
Our experienced analysts continuously monitor capital markets on a global scale keeping an eye on market conditions, economic developments, and political issues.
Investing globally can help mitigate risk through diversification. Our extensive research, resources and experience enable us to look for investment opportunities all over the world for you.
We start by helping you identify your time horizon, long-term goals, objectives and cash flow needs. Then work to provide you with a written portfolio analysis and personalized investment strategy recommendation.